Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ

A recap of the weather today:

10AM- relatively warm. The ATMS TA said there was an expected high of 50 that would end at before noon. Then there would be a sudden dropoff. Didn't know how sudden...

12PM- still pretty nice. A little damp, but just fine for me.

2PM- hard, hard, HARD rain. It was also pretty dark.

7PM- crazy ass, cold and windy weather. I had to walk to the quad and it seemed like the wind was against me with every turn.

-so now I'm back in the dorm, defrosting.

-Peace and (Warm) Pleasant Dreams

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Damn Damn Damn

So I never got to showing off my new do 'til now... so there you go. I've finally gotten used to it, but my hair grows so fast, so I guess I'll be on my way to my normal hair in about a month or two.

This weekend was pretty damn sweet. I didn't get home Friday night until like 5AM, (which I guess was technically Saturday morning- meh). Good thing I was just next door at the frat house. Anywho, this weekend was cool, which just makes going back to class tomorrow extra sucky. I did most of my homework today (begrudgingly), and now have a couple of LONG-ass readings for Dance lecture. Grr- must focus- I basically failed my first two quizzes in Chem, so I really need to get my shit together.

Wish me luck, and ditto to you all :)

-Peace and Pleasant Dreams

Friday, January 25, 2008

Lame Poetry Corner

So I just watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Confusing at first, but a damn good movie overall. During it, I got the impulse to write a poem- yes I do occasionally write poetry, wanna fight about it?!? Anywho, nothing too deep, just felt like writing.


We were nineteen
Too young for romance
Too old for puppy love

Too young for marriage
Too old for prom

Too stupid to think straight
Too naive to care

We were nineteen
with tattered jean
and a pack of cigs

Too young for romance

Too young to care.

Never leave me.

You like? Well nobody asked you! Wait, I just did...damn. Alrighty then. Take care of yourselves folks.

-Peace and Pleasant Dreams

Monday, January 21, 2008

<3 3-Day Weekends

There is no better way to start off the semester than with a three-day weekend the very first week back. And to sweeten the pot, the hometown friends came for a visit.

Friday- Sarah Silverman Program, 8AM Chem Lab, Noon Chem Discussion, four hour nap, Tony and Ryan, dinner, Wonder Showzen, Moonstruck, Agnes and Sam, Lisa and friend, Shai and friends, friends of age, Circle of Death, 22N to a bathroom.

Saturday- Lunchtime, Julia, bookstore, Moonstruck, bowling, Chinese, Pictionary, Scatergories, locked in a closet, TKE, dancing, mass confusion, Jimmy John's, lies and a turkey baster.

Sunday- Day w/o Shai for a while, Chipotle and Za's, Gamestop, Walgreens, Pictionary and Hair Dye, Mohawk, late night, bowling, Moonstuck, Scatergories, Insomnia Cookies, the first ten minutes of Mean Girls.

So Jules, Ry, and Tonz just left after lunch today. This weekend was really one of the funnest times I've had here on campus. Good times indeed. So now I guess it's back to the books. Meh.

-Peace and Pleasant Dreams

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Back to School

I gots the hoodie from my sister for christmas. H&M organic cotton and such-the zipper is a cool 'concept', but a tad impractical.

Break was just peachy. I don't remember the 4 weeks in detail, but that's probably 'cuz I didna do that much- just relaxing, hanging with friends, and catching up on some good times. It was cool because I got to 'rekindle' some friendships, some that I didna think I would. So here goes a quick recap of the break (to my best memory):

-Woodfield- Jamba Juice- purple cardigan- Christmas with family- sledding- friends- friends- more friends- smokin tokin not takin authority too seriously- New Years: bloody cieling, rice, and ponytails- thumb master- puppy chow and kite runner- professional looking cake- photoshoot (see Ryan's photoblog)- Wonder Showzen- *Mexico*- sleep- more sleep- too much sleep-

So now I'm back at college. I came a day early- paid like a $20 fee to stay in my own room. There was no one here last night- just me and Ping Pong (I named him that since I assumed he was a foreign exchange student). Slept til like 10AM when my roomie came back. Then I went to buy my textbooks- $540 aka too much.

Here's to a New Year and a new semester.

-Peace and Pleasant Dreams