Sunday, April 27, 2008

Monochrome Men

I know it isn't monochrome, but I was studying for my dance final and a piece called Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men by Lloyd Newson came up. It was a dance inspired by some homosexual serial killer in London- very romantic I know. We watched some of it in class, and I must say, for me at least, the title was the best thing about it. Anywho, yea, so now you know...

Today was relaxing. Woke up around noon and had breakfast with Shai and a friend who is thinking about coming here next year. So after eating, we walked to the Arboretum and Japan House. We found these two red tulips growing in the middle of a bunch of trees, practically at the root of one of them- both strange and beautiful (yea Aqualung).

So I gots some more studying done for geology and dance. Other than that, it's been chill. I need to actually go to my geology lecture tomorrow, seeing as it's the last one and I haven't been since the last exam...oops. Also tomorrow, I think I have to meet up with my group to finish our dance...lovely.


-Peace and Pleasant Dreams

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Old Man Riley

There is a picture I wanted to post here, but its pretty old (or at least old enough to be not have been taken on a digital). So let me just describe it: In front of the Alma Mater at night, 15 middle schoolers are grouped. We're in our awkward transition phases, aka braces, shabby clothes and an altogether grungy look. I'm still thin here, with a buzz cut and my favorite longsleeved red shirt. I miss that shirt...and those days.

The reason why I wanted to post this picture today was b/c this weekend was the annual Science Olympiad State competition here at U of I, an event I participated in almost 6 years ago. Seeing all those kids in the quad today just brought back some good memories of 8th grade. Memories of our team freaking out at Regionals when we found out we had made State (something our school had never done prior to then- count it). Memories of me and my friend Steve competing in 'Science Crime Busters' in Noyes Lab, not knowing how to do a damn thing. Of me sprinting through the quad b/c I was late to one of my other events ha. Anywho, it's just a trip thinking that now as a collegiate, I regularly walk the paths that my 8th grade self unfamiliarly scurried through years before. Incidently, right now I'm taking ATMS and GEOL, and those are two events which I got medals for- hweird.

Yes, time has certainly pulled a fast one. Of course, I'm still a youngin', but there are just some changes which are really making me feel old. Case in point: my sister getting engaged. Once again, hweird (but also very cool).

Alright then, back to studying geology...damn.

-Peace and Pleasant Dreams

Friday, April 25, 2008

On the Quay

Last summer- downtown for the Decemberists concert at Millenium Park. It was blazing that day, but twas worth it...especially for The Mariner. If you can't tell yet, I'm looking forward to summer.

So yea, things are going...well they're just going. Not horrible, not super awesome. Yesterday I got owned by my chemistry test (which by the way there is also a final for a mere week later wteff)- missed the whole front page, and got -32pts over all ha. Scaled up, it was a solid C. O , and did I mention that this class is where I'm supposed to get my James Scholar credit from? That means I need a B- or better in the class...well so much for that. Meh. Screw this noise- I'm doing so much worse this semester, which baffles me. Last semester I had 16 hrs, taking two sciences for my major- I did fine. This semester I have 13 hrs, taking 3 level 100 gen-eds, and I'm totally fecking up. Lame- I should just drop everything and become an Australian street performer...that would be prime. But seriously, Aus roks.

Anywho, finals are coming up soon. First two on wednesday (Apr30). That day is gonna blow- DANC100 final and group performances at 1PM (yes we have to actually dance as part of our final) and GEOL100 final at 7. I wanted to attend the PDP banquet (6PM), but if anything, I'll try to catch the last like half hour.

I'll be done with the rest of my finals by wednesday (May7). Then heading on home that friday/saturday. Then finding a job ASAP (Potbelly or Jamba?)


-Peace and Pleasant Dreams

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bring in the Funk

Ello there.

So right now my life is in sort of a doldrom (vocabulary points for me). Anywho yea, been in sorta a funk. Dunno why, just am.

Perhaps it's because everything is winding down. It's all just a mellow blur right now. Also, I'm kinda still torn between wanting to be home and wanting to stay here. Meh.

Alrighty then, gonna try to snap outta it- on to something less melancholy (agian, vocab points for me). This weekend was once again quite enjoyable. On saturday, I joined up half way through the PDP apartment crawl- candle wax, spiked watermelon, and the indelible keystone. The PDP group is quite the cool bunch- kinda regret not finding them sooner. I believe I will be trying out for more plays through them next year- damn you theater, you (or better yet, I) just won't let go. Anywho, fun night indeed, with a bit of the awkward. Whatever- awkward is my life, chill is my game (ha lame).

Sunday I celebrated the day yea and verily- celebrated in a cemetery of all places, then at Britt's place. That was cool, although my celebrating could have easily been a contributor to my funk. Anywho, I'm done for awhile with that stuff.

Finals coming up. Chem test tomorrow. Should have studied more.

Instead Lisa and I gave me a mohawk today.

There I go again with my wonderful prioritizing.

Closing time...pack it in...hit the showers...

-Peace and Pleasant Dreams

Friday, April 18, 2008

Frankly Scarlet

So Lauryn called me today with the idea of starting a summer band. I think it'll be cool, and I hope we can actually do it. So yea, we talked for awhile, and already came up with the name Frankly Scarlet- a snipet from the famous Gone With the Wind quote. And being the lame-o that I am, I got bored and started to design stuff. So here is a sketch that would be cool- even if we don't form the band I still wanna make a shirt outta it ha. I drew it based off a popular movie still needs some work, mostly with the lettering and making the woman look more womanly, but yea you get the idea.

Just a couple more weeks- very excite. However, I've basically checked out- can't function- lost all motivation. I'm just really looking forward to summer...I believe it twill be most awesome. All I've been doing is thinking and planning stuff to do (instead of focusing on homework ha). But yea, I'm itching for the end-(May 7).

Take it easy folks. We're at the homestretch.

-Peace and Pleasant Dreams

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Back to Normal

"Sweet Wounded Jesus!" -Bat Boy Cast...we hots <3

So the musical was this weekend, and might I say it rawked a couple sox off. This whole experience was such a blast- it's really hard to see it come to an end. I enjoyed myself through every second of the process, and I can safely say that my cast (and crew) mates had some of the greatest chemistry that I have felt in a show in a while. Being in this production made me realize just how happy I am to be in's all good right about now...

So now it back to old routine. I dunno, it's gonna take some time getting used to not seeing the same people every night and having a lot more freetime again. As effed up as my schedule was for the last month or so, I really got used to it and hardly minded- it was all too fun to care about the late nights...and the missed classes... Anywho, to sum it up this weekend was marvelous- hometown visitors, two facemelting performances, and some great times at the cast parties. Hope to keep in touch with the BB cast/crew- cool people indeed.

Now for homework...maybe not...

-Peace and Pleasant Dreams