Friday, May 23, 2008

Crzzzystal Lizzake

It's been ahwhile, but with good reason. My brosef got a new laptop and took the internet hub with him...down into the basement. Therefore, my computer -on the second floor- has now been temporarily handicapped netwise.

Being home has been fine. Things are pretty slow, but are speeding up- Jess and Shai are home today, so that's a plus. The band's starting to come together- relearning the piano is tough sometimes, but fun.

As for a job, I got called in yesterday to start at Finn McCool's- it was kinda haphazard. They had just fired someone and called me in to replace him. Although it's less hours and the same position I had than last summer (dishwasher), I got to start earlier this time around and now for higher wage.

M'kay then, until again.

-Peace anf Pleasant Dreams

Friday, May 9, 2008


Greenhouses- won't be walking past these again until August.

Done with finals- made it out pretty well. I think I salvaged a B(-) in chemistry, knock on wood. Yup, so my parents will be coming in aboot 12 hours- hopefully I can just sleep until then so I don't hafta wait. Pretty excited, but not for moving back in- lotsa shat I gotta move...ughm. It's been a good year indeed. Let's hope the next will be even more splendid. That would be prime.

Next post from the CL :)

-Peace and Pleasant Dreams

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Last Few Days

So I haven't had a final since friday, and my last one is tomorrow, which means that I spent the last couple days doing absolutely nothing. Actually, I did do some stuff on the weekends- bar and party, blah blah blah- but SunMonTues was one big blurred and boring mesh of lethargic mornings (1PM mornings that is), haphazard studying, and urges to do something outdoors. I've been running just so I can say I did something with the beautiful days, and to, well, just get out of the room in general ha.

Anywho, chemistry final tomorrow- been studying, but it's still gonna be a photofinish grade wise (B-/C+). I took the practice final and did pretty well, but then again we were told that the practice final was not a good measure of readiness for the actual final- I think that's effed up. I mean, for kreest sake, give us something a little more pertinent. Whatever, just thinking positive, aiming for that B- and the chance to stay a James Scholar.

Done for the school year tommorow, home on Friday. It's been really good, really fun, really quite noice. I'm gonna miss the people, the atmosphere, and the parties ha. But seriously, I will never look at a plastic solo cup the same way ever again.

(post "Hang In There" kitty here)

-Peace and Pleasant Dreams

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Sing me the song that will bring eternity;
Show me the song of the stars.
Make me a lullaby from the sparrow's call
with the wind as the harmony high.

Sing of the dew drops on green grass this morn;
of the dancing autumn leaves.
Turn bubbling waves into lovely ballads
with lighting a heavy bass.

Paint me a picture of the world as it is
as it was
as it will be,
and I will be forever greatful.

Sing me the song that will bring eternity,

and I shall ever love you.


Our eyes met when you passed,
Yours blank and cursory; Mine digging into your soul.

Your stride left a sublime rythym,
Each beat each step banging against my heart.

I turn in love struck compulsion,
but alas, my mouth dry,
my voice stolen,
my heart sinking.

Yes that day when our eyes met,
Yours blank and cursory;

Mine misty and teared.

For you'd never know.

-for you'd never know-